Sunday, 28 March 2010

Oh no! What do I feed the kids for dinner tonight?

We've all had this screaming in our heads on many an occasion. Those hungry, tired and irritable children at the end of the school day, not to mention the hungry, tired and irritable mother trying to tidy the house or rush in from after school activities and have to conjure up an nutritious meal in minutes.

Well with the risk of sounding... well annoying, here is a piece of advice that, however annoying, actually works.


Yes those are words of wisdom. Become the Tupperware queen. When you do have a day where you are more
relaxed, or if you are making lunch on a saturday, make extra and freeze it. That way you can have nutritious, homemade food to fall back on on those days when you're behind or have forgotten to do something about dinner. Yes, pizza is a quick and easy substitute, but a good mince dish freezes well and all you have to do is add a bit of mashed potato and hey
presto there you go! Dinner on the table. You can even defrost it in the microwave or directly over a low heat while the potatoes are cooking.
Fish pie is another good one for freezing. However, I tend to freeze the main part of these dishes without the mashed potato as, personally, I don't like reheated mashed potato! Also, to both these dishes you can add all the veg you like, either included during cooking or added as a side dish at the time of serving.

Other good recipes for freezing are:
Homemade potato fish cakes
Spaghetti sauce
chicken casserole
Beef Stew

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